Higgins thrives at meeting in Raleigh

Fellow Bandit Jim Sermersheim and I attended the Higgins developer face to face meeting in Raleigh, NC , last week. It was an enjoyable and productive time. The IdAS has been progressing nicely, and the overall architecture supporting the I-Card Selector Service (ISS) is now well underway.

Paul Trevithick  and Mary Ruddy ran a tight workshop and the IBM facility facilitated nicely. Local Higgins contributors Raj and Greg provided architecture (and restaurant) recommendations, and doubled as tour guides.

It seems to me that the Higgins project has really gained traction and the pace of development has taken off this summer — there are active discussions on the mailing lists, well attended face-to-face meetings, and (woohoo!) actual code getting checked in. We are on track to put the Higgins pieces together with parts from Bandit and other projects – and take this user centric identity space from the realm of concepts and terminology to the realm of working code.