My Daughter Appears in an Arrington Post on TechCrunch

I have referred to my children numerous times in this blog. For some reason, their adventures are often rather technology focused – but this post is not about technology. It’s about the sheer techie coolness of my daughter being seen in a post on TechCrunch.

My oldest son recently started working for a new company called Instructure. I’m not sure I agree with a company strategy that defines itself by it’s competition, but they have certainly made a splash by announcing that they are specifically attempting to dislodge Blackboard as the leader in learning management software. They’ve taken some interesting approaches to grab attention and market share such as releasing the core product as open source. There are a number of solid strategic reasons to do that – but (again) this post is not about technology.

Instructure’s recent emergence in the market, their intriguing strategic moves, and some significant early adopter accounts have brought them to the attention of some big name tech news outlets, with recent articles by Michael Arrington on TechCrunch and Herb Greenberg on CNBC.

To highlight their “change is good” perspective, they created a video reminiscent of the old Apple superbowl ad. Apparently, my son talked my daughter into helping out with the video. My daughter is one of the students walking down the tunnel in the first part of the video and can be seen in the audience. I’m glad she didn’t handle the flame thrower.

The video is shown in the TechCrunch article. My daughter on Techcrunch. Woot! How COOL IS THAT!

I declare success as a techie father – for this week anyway.